How is Soft Porn As Satisfying As Hardcore Porn?

How is Soft Porn As Satisfying As Hardcore Porn?

                Having conducted a survey of what people like more and why, softcore porn vs. hardcore porn, we have gotten some pretty interesting answers, especially from males who watch porn regularly. So, before jumping onto the good stuff, let’s review why some people consider soft porn even better than the dominant hardcore stuff on the internet.

  • 63% of the people watching porn don’t feel comfortable admitting they enjoy watching soft porn as much as they do with the hardcore stuff. Most of the surveyed admitted they started watching porn pretty early in life and it was soft porn mostly. They now watch the hardcore too, somewhat out of curiosity and somewhat because it’s more present on all platforms, hence easier to get to.
  • 57% said when they watch soft porn they often think about it later too as it feels good and sparks their imagination, whereas with the hardcore stuff they watch it for one reason only and then completely forget about it.
  • 36% said they enjoy watching a woman by herself rather than being with another dude in the video. Some stated (as straight males) they like to see a woman in control of her body rather than someone else dominating with her.
  • 81% of those who prefer soft porn said they do so solely because it leaves a lot to the imagination and real-life fantasies rather than the hardcore porn which takes away all the excitement and mystery.

Some of these results are pretty interesting, especially because hardcore porn dominates the internet and someone might think that’s all people enjoy watching where in reality soft porn is quite popular too.

Why is soft porn as satisfying as hardcore porn?

                What is soft porn anyway? Look at soft porn as the PG13 version of the hardcore stuff (even though we wouldn’t suggest kids around 13 anywhere near porn) but you get the idea. Many would say it’s a ‘watered-down’ version as you don’t see the penetration from all angles and the other hardcore stuff. But having some of those things hidden and left to fantasy is actually the main reason why so many people prefer it. If you’d like to read more on what the difference between soft porn and hard porn is, click here. Now onto the good stuff.

Anticipation turns on

                Remember how people say “Good things are worth waiting for”? You know how just thinking about kissing someone excites you more than the actual kiss? It’s the same with the idea of removing your partner’s clothes slowly and leaving something to the imagination rather than seeing them fully naked immediately. This is why soft porn and its scenes that lead up to sex are more exciting as the foreplay gives you a lot to imagine, instead of watching it actually happen in hardcore porn.

A new appreciation of the female and male body

                The human body is a masterpiece. It has so many hidden but potentially sexy parts that are equally arousing. Sure, butts, breasts, and genitals are all nice and turn you on, but have you ever imagined putting your hands on a woman’s hips and pulling her close to you? Or grabbing a man’s shoulder blades while he is on top? When watching softcore porn you get to see angles of the human body that make you admire all pieces of the body you normally ignore. Pieces that, in fact, are as beautiful as the naughty bits.

You become a better lover

                Sex is not only about penetration. Hardcore porn makes you think that’s the case but it couldn’t be further from the truth. Thing is, people have become very impatient and with all the social media prevailing in our day-to-day activities, our attention spans have shortened to those of a monkey. This is why hardcore porn dominates, as it gets straight to the point and wastes no time. However, by doing so it takes away all the real pleasure of sex making it just another daily task. This is why soft porn teaches a lot about foreplay, the different kinds and ultimately how you can become a better lover. So the softcore stuff does not only give you momentary pleasure but gives you an idea of how to seduce and ease-in the next time you invite someone back to your bedroom.

Gaining new Sexpectives

                With soft porn, you get new perspectives in sex that you don’t normally see in hardcore sex videos. As we talked before about learning new foreplay tricks and becoming a better lover, this type of porn gives you a peek at other angles of the human body. For instance, in hardcore porn, you usually see only the pair’s lower halves most of the time. This way the real connection and feelings are taken out of the act which makes the entire experience quite dry. With softcore porn you actually see how the actors look, their entire body and reactions at all times instead of only what their genitals look like.


                Some people simply aren’t interested in all the choking, gagging, spanking, and slapping that goes around in most of today’s hardcore porn. Sometimes acts like this aren’t even marked as BDSM genre, but are simply part of the ‘normal’ porn you find on all websites.

This is why many people (like those in our survey) prefer soft porn. So, if this isn’t your style either, softcore porn will definitely make you feel more comfortable.

It pleases you aesthetically

                Softcore porn is simply more aesthetically pleasing. It sparks arousal and gets you off without all the gritty and dirty details hardcore usually includes. You can imagine anyone you like while watching and fill in the blanks that are somewhat hidden during the act.

At the end of the day, whatever you prefer, the industry has it. Whether into hard or soft porn, you will still see handsome and attractive actors that will turn you on and give you one hell of an orgasm that’s gonna make your day.

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